Sunday, December 4, 2011

cold rainy days in December

Singapore's December weather has become as unfathomable as our salaries and there's nothing we can do about it. Be prepared to take cover and snuggle under our blankets fellow comrades! We are facing tough times ahead.

I received a call from the supplier today, saying that our whole batch of stuff should be (and I emphasize on the uncertainty) arriving on Friday and next week. Without A around, I really have no idea how I should go about doing this. If you're reading this, we need to discuss the plan alright?

We went to Candy Empire at T3 in hopes of purchasing Palmer's chocolate - Cookies and Scream. Checked it up on the website and saw that it costs $29.60 for 4lbs. Though we couldn't find it there, I really wanna know how we can purchase these from the U.S.! haha. N says they are awesome!


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